Monday 8 April 2013

Cell Towers – Functions and Effects

The world is becoming an increasingly small place, with the advent of the world wide web and cellphone technology. But in our busy lives, have you ever stopped to think how this technology actually works to keep us connected?

Cellular phone technology is of special relevance since it seems to have completely replaced most means of communication. With this revolution in Telecom, Cellphones are now phones, music systems, cameras and computers, all rolled into one. With the wide use of such phones the world over, there are increasing number of towers that spread the signals that keep these devices connected. These are base stations that contain all the equipment required to send and receive signals to and from cellular phones.

Lets explain this by way of an example. When you make a call, the phone sends a radio frequency message to the antennas in the tower or base station closest to you. Then a wire or fiber-optic line transports that signal to a switching port. The call is then sent through a back-haul, which is basically a network that communicates with the global Internet. It is through the internet, that your call is transmitted to the number you were trying to connect to.

Illustration on the functioning of cell-phone

The same process is followed with incoming calls. In the meanwhile, your cellphone and the towers are communicating constantly and keep in sync. That means if you change locations, your phone checks in with the nearest tower and communicates with it.

It may seem like a long complicated process, but it all happens in fractions of a second. For better connectivity, the height of these towers is important. They can be free standing towers or can be mounted on existing buildings, trees or tall water tanks. This height varies from 50 to 200 feet. 

You might wonder if this constant back and forth of radio waves has any effect on our body. The fact is that the height of these towers is such that by the time any of the radio waves or energy get to a inhabited level, the signal weakens. Also, the signals going back and forth from the cellphones and base towers are also transmitted intermittently, which causes no harm.

Cellular phone technology is a boon. One without any harmful effects. Of course there are safety guidelines to be followed when you are very close to or directly in front of the towers. In any case these are restricted areas with limited access to ordinary citizens.
So enjoy staying connected without a care in the world!

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