Thursday, 11 April 2013

Radiation vs Electromagnetic waves

We are surrounded by energy in our everyday lives. From the sun that shines, to the alarm clock that wakes you up, to the TV that you watch just before you go to sleep – they are all objects that emit energy in some form or the other. But it is vital to have a clear understanding of this phenomena to understand its impact on our lives.
Energy emitted from various sources, travel outwards in electromagnetic waves. This includes Radio waves, microwaves, visible light, and x rays. The key difference lies in the wavelength, which determines the strength of the radiated energy. This is what proves that all electromagnetic waves are a type of radiation, but not all types of radiation are electromagnetic. Radiation is a general term used for particles of energy self-propagating through a space. Electromagnetic waves on the other hand are formed by the radiation energy being absorbed by charged particles. EM(electromagnetic) waves is one of the important ways that energy is transported in the world around us.

It was in the 19th century, that physicists like Thomas Young, Michael Faraday and Henri Becquerel changed our perceived reality. There was an unseen world beyond what we saw. They found the connection between electricity and magnetism and classified Light, microwaves, x-rays, and TV and radio transmissions into forms of 'electromagnetic wave'.

But the fact is that in today's world, radiation is associated with something bad. We think of harmful and destructive rays. But the truth is that the discovery of how radiation works, and various forms of electromagnetic waves have gone a long way in helping mankind. We are now able to harness its power and tame it for our use. The key lies in understanding what types of radiations are bad for you an protect yourself from it. 

Monday, 8 April 2013

Cell Towers – Functions and Effects

The world is becoming an increasingly small place, with the advent of the world wide web and cellphone technology. But in our busy lives, have you ever stopped to think how this technology actually works to keep us connected?

Cellular phone technology is of special relevance since it seems to have completely replaced most means of communication. With this revolution in Telecom, Cellphones are now phones, music systems, cameras and computers, all rolled into one. With the wide use of such phones the world over, there are increasing number of towers that spread the signals that keep these devices connected. These are base stations that contain all the equipment required to send and receive signals to and from cellular phones.

Lets explain this by way of an example. When you make a call, the phone sends a radio frequency message to the antennas in the tower or base station closest to you. Then a wire or fiber-optic line transports that signal to a switching port. The call is then sent through a back-haul, which is basically a network that communicates with the global Internet. It is through the internet, that your call is transmitted to the number you were trying to connect to.

Illustration on the functioning of cell-phone

The same process is followed with incoming calls. In the meanwhile, your cellphone and the towers are communicating constantly and keep in sync. That means if you change locations, your phone checks in with the nearest tower and communicates with it.

It may seem like a long complicated process, but it all happens in fractions of a second. For better connectivity, the height of these towers is important. They can be free standing towers or can be mounted on existing buildings, trees or tall water tanks. This height varies from 50 to 200 feet. 

You might wonder if this constant back and forth of radio waves has any effect on our body. The fact is that the height of these towers is such that by the time any of the radio waves or energy get to a inhabited level, the signal weakens. Also, the signals going back and forth from the cellphones and base towers are also transmitted intermittently, which causes no harm.

Cellular phone technology is a boon. One without any harmful effects. Of course there are safety guidelines to be followed when you are very close to or directly in front of the towers. In any case these are restricted areas with limited access to ordinary citizens.
So enjoy staying connected without a care in the world!

Monday, 11 March 2013

No Cancer from Cell Tower Radiation says Norwegian Study

In the past decade, cell phones/mobile phones have transformed the way we communicate. They have become an indispensable part of our modern existence. Unfortunately, there co-exists another negative & false perception about cell phone technology. There is growing resentment & skepticism because some people 'allege' that there is a carcinogenic quality in the cell phone tower radiations.

In any debate, there will always be two sides to the story. In this case, its fair to say that the least one can do, is make oneself properly aware. And with a little bit of time & effort, one can easily find thorough, large-scale and completely scientific studies that have been conducted by very reputable organizations & governments; that ought to form the basis, for deciding if there is any merit in these accusations of cell phone tower radiation, being harmful, possibly even cancerous!

One great example to point out here and use is a very recent & exhaustive Norwegian study. This study, a comprehensive examination going upto 200 pages, was administered by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. In this effort, the scope of the study has been all-encompassing (cell phone radiation as well as cell tower radiation). And the has study found that the electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phones are all below acceptable minimum levels recommended by the International Commission on Non-ionizing radiation protection (ICNIRP). Not just 'merely' lower, but a massive 50 times lower than what the ICNIRP would consider potentially tissue or nerve-cell damaging. A significantly lower rating, negligible almost! the minimum value of electromagnetic radiation required to cause heating of human tissue or stimulation of nerve cells.

So where is the question of any kind of harm, leave alone something as severe as cancer! In any case, Cell Phone Towers are positioned too far up in the sky for any trickle down effect. We barely come in contact with the already, inherently weak radiations. The possibility of these radiations from cell phone towers then causing cancer are about the same as an elephant scaling Mount Everest!

One can only help get the truth out, and hope that enough people tap into scientific fact-finding and then make their decisions. Then, maybe we will be thankful, rather than disgruntled, at the boon that cell phones are in our lives today.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

No Proof That Cell Phone Towers Cause Cancer

"Considering the very low exposure levels and research result collected to date, there is no convincing scientific evidence that the week radio frequency signals from base stations and wireless network cause adverse health effects", says none other than the World Health Organization (WHO)

“There is no scientific study or proof till now, which can conclusively say that cell tower radiation cause cancer. People have more of misconception than understanding over the issue," says well regarded senior Radiation Oncologist DP Singh with Jaipur's famous SMS Hospital

"There is no study prima facie which directly co-relates the two”, says Hemant Thacker, a renowned consultant at Mumbai's Jaslok Hospital, speaking about cell tower radiation & cancer.

Certainly, these esteemed doctors, medical professionals, and globally reputable organizations are not lying! Nor are they basing their conclusions on hear-say. The fact of the matter is this. There is NO LINK between cell phone tower radiation and cancer. At most, these radiations, which are non-ionizing radio frequency (inherently incapable of affecting any harm or damage to the DNA structure), heat up the body with their marginal energy. And even that is not hot enough to register on a temperature gauge!

In fact, there is so much scientific proof and innumerable studies that prove not the link, rather the complete non-likelihood of cell phone radiation & cancer being connected. The best way is to do as much informative reading and analysis as possible, and make up one's own mind, maturely, and educatedly. One of the best resources to examine all the studies, findings, and conclusions is the Cancer website of the American National Cancer Institute. And this is the link where one can find it all:

Cell phones are not a bane, but a boon. And we owe it to ourselves to study, read, and educate ourselves and get rid of these outrageous health-hazard notions!

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Cell Tower Radiation SAME AS Radio Transmitter Waves – Both Are Harmless

Cell Phones are an important, indispensable part of our modern lives. Not only do we use them to make and receive calls; but also, the smart phone of today, is our planner, computer, entertainment system, camera, video camera, internet, and secretary; all rolled into one, and all on the go. Despite the amazing & undeniable conveniences; some sections would have us believe that cell phones are evil. More specifically, the radiation or waves that surround and come out of the cell phone towers; are harmful. It has even been alleged that they can cause cancer!

One can only hope that more people take the facts into account before buying into whatever they hear and read. So what are the true facts about Cell Phone Tower Radiation?

  1. The radiation being emitted from Cell Phone Towers are classified as RF Waves. This means that these waves are Radio frequency Waves. What does that mean? That on the full spectrum of radiation, they fall much below UV Rays & X Rays. And why is that significant? Because it is extended exposure to UV Rays & X Rays, that can possibly cause any harm to our human bodies. UV Rays & X Rays are the only rays that have enough 'energy' to maybe cause any structural change or damage to our DNA. While RF waves are too weak to have any impact on us whatsoever. So where does the question of harming anyone even arise!

  2. RF waves being in our midst is not a recent phenomena, or one that has come about with the advent of Cell Phones. RF waves have been among us for decades now. How? Simply because the radios that we have been so happily listening to for generations, are also transmitted their content through Radio Transmitters all around us, via the exact same form of radiation – Radio Frequency waves. They are completely harmless. And in exactly the same way, Cell Phone Tower radiation too, is absolutely harmless.

  3. Even Defense Facilities the world over have been using Radio to communicate both in times of emergency & war, and in regular course. Governments need to run their countries responsibly, and only subscribe to technology that has no chance of damaging peoples' health. The fact that the armies of the worlds nations have been unanimously using radio wave technology for their telecommunications for decades now; is further and telling proof that this kind of weak-energy radiation, only gives us convenience and control, not health problems and medical bills.

We need to take control of the decisions we make, the things we hear and believe. We owe it to ourselves as intelligent, aware, and educated people, to check the facts, and only form our opinions, basis those facts. Cell Phone Tower radiation, is indeed, harmless RF waves.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Milind Deora Doubts Neha Kumar

Milind Deora is an honorable minister in the Union Cabinet. He is also the young, dynamic, and widely accepted face of a new kind of progressive & honest politics in India. He also happens to be the Minister of State for IT & Communications. When Milind Deora gets involved in something, he is thorough, complete, unbiased, and direct. He is one of those leaders that leads by example, and is unafraid of calling a spade a spade.

In May 2012, a presentation was made to him that was entitled 'Mobile Tower Radiation Hazards & Solutions. This presentation was made by none other than professor Girish Kumar, who, along with his daughter, Anna University Science graduate Neha Kumar; have been propagating & alleging that cell phone towers cause harmful radiation. They have even been crusading across the country, both in the virtual space and real world, saying that this radiation is so harmful, it can cause health problems for people. And hence, a large part of their propaganda was part of this presentation.

Now, a lot has been made about this father-daughter's constant smear-campaign against radiation. We have all read and now know for a fact that their entire campaign is based on a lie, at least on a grossly incorrect assumption – that is, that cell phone radiation causes ill-health. Why is it a lie? Because they claim that microwave radiation causes damage to humans, which is does. The crucial fact is that cell phone towers don't even emit microwave radiation. They emit harmless, weak Radio Frequency!

Not to mention that fact that everyone in the general public has seen through the Kumar game now. Because it is their own company Wilcom, which is selling products that 'contain' this alleged radiation over-spill. A company whose products have not even been certified by the relevant governing bodies! Its like bringing a car into the market that has not been tested and homologated!

Mr.Milind Deora too, has seen through this entire sham. He has replied strongly and questioned the Kumars on their claims. In fact, in many of his public tweets, he has expressed serious concerns on the veracity of the Kumars claims, and pointed out their obvious profiteering from their company.

  • does your family sell "solutions" for cell tower radiation? If so, your advocacy is a major conflict of interest

  • If you charge for measurements, like telecom companies, you also have a vested interest & should have disclosed that

Thanks to responsible ministers such as Milind Deora, we have seen the truth. And the truth is, that Neha Kumar and Girish Kumar are liars, out to make a profit at our fears' expense!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Professor Girish Kumar – A Fake Everyone Has Seen Through

One look at our Mythology and there are several instances of people with extraordinary intelligence & intellect, having gone over the edge of sanity. Raavan is a great example of a person with immense learning. He was widely accepted as a genius. But once his mind wandered and went over to the dark side, it was game over. In more modern times too, history is full of examples of extremely intelligent and influential characters having crossed over to a dark side of madness. Adolf Hitler comes to mind immediately.

The same thing has unfortunately happened to Professor Girish Kumar. A man of very high scientific learning, once respected by colleagues and students alike at IIT Bombay; the professor's image now lies in complete tatters. And not for anybody else's but his own fault, his own self-made lies. Because if there is one thing people eventually see through, is a web of lies. In Girish Kumar's case, the lies and deceit is to such an extent, that people are completely fed up and cheated.

Having spread lies about the alleged harmful effects of cell phone radiation; it has become increasingly clear to everyone from civil society to even young leaders like Milind Deora; that all these lies, and this so called crusade against radiation that Girish Kumar and his daughter Neha Kumar have been running; has all been in a bid to see the products developed by their own company, Wilcom Technologies!

Because Wilcom Technologies makes Radiation Shielding products; it has suited Girish Kumar very well to take advantage of his own status and stature in the scientific community, and fool people by inducing fear about cell phone radiation, using made-up and irrelevant statistics, all in order to eventually sell his own company's products, as the 'perfect' solution to this radiation problem (one that he has himself invented).

But no lie ever lasts, and people in this case too, have realized that the very basis for Girish Kumar's crusade, is false. It is a redundant & moot point, because simplistically put, one does not need any protection from harmless RF Waves; hence the question of shielding does not arise.

Girish Kumar may have seen moderate success for some time, but now he has been exposed. His reputation, his image, is all torn in tatters. And people know better than to believe a lying, selfish person out to profit from his dubious campaigns.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Juhi Chawla's Dubious Support for Wilcom

Professor Girish Kumar and his daughter Neha Kumar have been propagating lies. Lies that cell phone tower radiation can cause harm to people. In the process, they are promoting the products of their own company Wilcom Technologies, which makes radiation shielding equipment. Of late, their movement has been exposed as a racket for profit-making. The deceit that lies behind their activist facade has been exposed. To counter that and keep up appearances, they have recently found the support of celebrity and actress Juhi Chawla, who has herself been on a rampage, holding protests, and filing legal petitions against the cell phone towers in her neighborhood of Malabar Hill.

Isn't this sudden voluntary interest of a celebrity suspect? Of course it is, because Juhi Chawla's husband happens to be Mr.Jay Mehta, a very successful businessman with interests in India & abroad, particularly in South Africa. And why is that of any consequence? Because a company called Lusaka Properties pvt ltd, which Mr.Jay Mehta is closely associated with, is the principal investor in Wilcom Technologies. Naturally then, for Juhi Chawla, Wilcom is like family. And to do anything in her power to offset the truth that has been exposed about the Kumars and Wilcom, is in her best interest. Like a dutiful family-member, Juhi Chawla is just playing her part in doing some PR and damage control. But the reasons for her sudden empathy with this fake radiation-cause; are obvious. And they are wrongly motivated.

No matter how hard they try, what antics they resort to, the Kumars can not escape peoples' ire for deceiving them. And their latest attempt, that of using Juhi Chawla as support, is extremely dubious and questionable. And people are asking questions, and seeing through the charade. Celebrities are known to do favors for people they are close to. And this after all, is almost a family-matter for Juhi Chawla and her husband Jay Mehta. But ordinary citizens are aware and intelligent enough to see through it all. The Kumars and the Mehtas are in cahoots, and hence Juhi Chawla too.

View this presentation below for more: