Wednesday 7 November 2012

Difference Between Radiation & Electromagnetic waves

The Sun. A life giving source. A source of energy & nourishment not just to us humans on this planet, but every living creature. But vital as the Sun and its energy may be, too much exposure to it, can cause problems. Serious health problems even. The point is simple. Anything & everything in moderation is fine. Too much of anything, even of a good thing, can be harmful. 

Why all this discussion about energy being good or bad? Because in our modern everyday lives, we face tremendous exposure from different kinds & degrees of energies. All our modern day amenities, electronic gadgets; emit energy.

Unfortunately, due to lack of awareness, some of this energy has got an unnecessarily bad reputation. Take the radiation from Cell Phone Towers for example. Without fully knowing the actual facts, the perception that has been created is one of fear, dread, and ill health. And that's not really true. To understand the truth, we must first understand the difference between Radiation & Electromagnetic Waves.

Any device or energy source emits Electromagnetic Waves. There is an entire range of these waves that include:

Radio Waves
Visible Light
X Rays

What we tend not to factor in, is the wavelength. It is the difference in the wavelengths that make the crucial difference, significantly pointing to the radiation quotient, or in other words, capacity of each type of wave, to have any kind of impact. Most importantly, all electromagnetic are considered radiation. However, the inverse is not true. Not all radiation, are electromagnetic in nature. While Radiation is the broad nomenclature for self-propagating particles of energy; Electromagnetic waves on the are those that are formed by radiation energy being absorbed by charged particles. This makes EM(electromagnetic) waves the most vital way energy is transported in the modern world.

Thanks to the work & discoveries of physicists like Thomas Young, Michael Faraday and Henri Becquerel; we now know the connection between electricity and magnetism. We have been able to classify Light, microwaves, x-rays, and TV and radio transmissions into forms of 'electromagnetic wave'. It all boils down to one simple truth. The power of knowledge. The knowledge to be able to decipher what radiation is good, and what isn't. And for the most part, when used correctly, radiation is making our lives better, and giving us a secure, brighter future. From medical treatments to everyday conveniences, its a boon!

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