Wednesday, 26 December 2012

What are Vigilance Telecom Monitoring cells

Telecommunications is the way forward in this socio-economic environment. And seeing the increasing number of telecom operators in the country, the Government has established multiple regulatory authorities to ensure a robust growth of the sector.

This was especially important at all the License Service Areas and Large Telecom Districts of the country. Its imperative to ensure that all service providers adhere to the license conditions and such a Telegraph Authority is was also needed to take care of network security issues. This is what lead to the creation of four Vigilance Telecom Monitoring cells (VTM) in Nov 2004.

Spread across the country in major metro cities - Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Chennai, these cells checked the all illegal telecom activities and monitored the existing operators. As the sector grew, the number of VTM cells also grew by 9 in 2006, 15 in January 2007 and 6 in March 2007. Today, these 34 cells are fulfilling Vigilance, Monitoring and Security functions throughout the country.

As of 5th August 2008, the name of VTM Cells has been changed to Telecom Enforcement, Resource and Monitoring (TERM) but the function remains the same – The smooth implementation of the government's telecom policy. Further details can be seen on -
As technical support to the TERM, under the Department of Telecom, the Telecommunication Engineering Centre or the TEC was formed. The aim of the TEC is to “Develop world-class standards and testing processes for certification of telecom equipment and networks for conformance to quality requirements”.

It is a technical body that has the clear mission to
  1. “Draw specifications for establishing state-of-the-art seamlessly interoperable networks, and certification thereof for conformance to quality requirements;
  2. Lay down technical parameters to ensure adherence to defined QoS and SLA;
  3. Implement mandatory certification procedure for all telecom products for conformance to technical, interoperability, EMI/EMC, security, safety, health requirements;
  4. Carry out testing and certification of equipment and networks;
  5. Draw guidelines for disaster resilient network, and for disaster management and recovery;
  6. Provide technical support and inputs to DoT and other government departments;
  7. Provide technical support to telecom service providers for operation and development of telecom network”
With such specialized authorities in place, there is no way that Cell operators can put their profits ahead of the people it serves. Cell technology and its implementation in India is and always will remain and safe means of communication and a path to a bright future.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Rajasthan High Court Order To Ban Cell Towers Puts Citizens Into a Communication Vaccum

Some people have a need to spread lies and rumors. What they fail to realize is that not only does this induce panic, it can also result in official rulings that make it extremely problematic for large numbers of people to go about their everyday lives. And this is exactly what has happened in the case of The Rajasthan High Court's September 2012 order to bring down 200 cellular phone towers.

While it has been suggested & alleged by a small minority of people that cell phone tower radiation causes health hazards; the overwhelming evidence that is factual, scientific and widely proven, says the exact opposite. From studies such as the CEFALO across Europe to the harmless RF Waves that cell phone towers emit being given a clean chit from leading experts the world over; none of this has been taken into consideration by the courts. And in a very sad turn of events, the judiciary seems to have relied on some malicious peoples' equally malicious and completely made-up rumors.

In an age led by science and technology, the judicial system has relied on the exact opposite. The result, the removal of these cell phone towers has left millions without any cell phone network. And in an era where in our personal and professional lives, communication, largely done via cell phones, is indispensable; cell phone connectivity for the people of Rajasthan is almost non-existent. Its a very sad state of affairs.

Instead of moving forward and advancing, this single decision and ruling has turned back time and sent the people of an entire state back into the dark ages. How are they to communicate now? By using birds as messengers? When every shred of evidence evicts cell phone tower radiation; why the courts have not taken cognizance of this scientific data available from the most reliable experts in the public domain; is beyond any explanation.

The real sufferers, the people. Left high and dry and in a communication vacuum; they have been cut off in one deft stroke, and sent back to a bygone era of no communication. It is injustice, delivered by a sacred place that has taken people, facts, and justice itself, for granted!

Let us examine what this order is based on. It is based on rumors about how Cell Phone Tower Radiation can be harmful to human health. And for the sake of argument, let us now examine some widely proven, accepted, and acknowledged truths.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Rajasthan High Court Injustice

Governments and judiciaries are the two bodies that citizens look to, for justice. While the Government ought to bring about legislation and infrastructure that aids citizens, the judicial system hears cases and passes orders that give citizens a fair settlement. But in the case of the Rajasthan High Court's September order; any shred of justice has been lost. How? Because the honorable court's order to private cell phone companies to bring down two hundred cell phone towers is both incorrect & inconvenient, and is based on unscientific and unproven allegations about how cell phone tower radiation causes harm to citizens' health.

From 2004 to 2008, a study called CEFALO administered through various countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland proved that there is absolutely no link between cell phones and brain tumors (one of the few stronger allegations against cell phone radiation). Furthermore, the subjects of the study were young children, often more susceptible than adults. Still, science conclusively ruled out brain risks from cell phone radiation.

Similar studies the world over have entirely ruled out any health hazards from cell phone radiation. And how could there be? After all,  it is a well known and documented fact that radiation from cell phone towers is Radio Frequency (RF); a type of wave that is simply incapable of altering any DNA or human tissue, due to its weak strength. So the question of them causing any harm, let alone serious ailments such as brain damage and/or cancer; does not even come up.

This shortsighted and flawed order has only served to raise anxiety around something that does not even exist. Worse still, it has disrupted the everyday lives of millions of citizens that rely on their cell phones for very important personal and professional work; millions that are now left without any network on their cell phones. Is this a sign of justice? Or is it just pandering to myth and rumor? We need to make important decisions based purely on facts. And the facts in this case only condemn this absurd and outrageous high court order. Cell phones are a convenience, a necessity, and a lifeline; not a fatal aneurism as a small minority would have us believe. And at the very least, governments and judiciaries should not fall prey to this baseless talk.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Tall Claims But No Guarantees

What is Wilcom Technologies? It is a company that develops and manufactures a range of products that claims to shield and protect from radiations specifically such as Cell Phone Tower radiations, thus ultimately safeguarding us from diseases like Cancer. These are extremely tall claims. Claims that need to be supported by hard evidence and ideally some kind of credible authentication. The truth however, is dismal and the diametric opposite.

Professor Girish Kumar & daughter Neha Kumar have had easy access to technology with their association with IIT and their links in the science and academic communities. With principal investors such as actress Juhi Chawla and her businessman husband, they have funding too. So, they have invented this myth about cell phone tower radiation being harmful, cancerous, and potentially fatal. They have then gone about strategically propagating this lie on a pan-India scale, inducing fear and panic. And then, they have offered products of their own company, as solutions to this invented problem. Each aspect of this entire endeavor reeks of lies, fraud, and deception. Let us see what all has been made-up:

  1. The premise of this entire endeavor is a big fat lie. There is no link between cell phone radiation, which are harmless Radio Frequency Waves,     and any illnesses, let alone cancer. This has been proven through countless studies such as the one conducted by the worldwide Advisory Group on Non-ionizing Radiation(AGNIR) which stated that “the evidence overall has not demonstrated any adverse effects on human health from exposure to radio-frequency fields”
  2. The company Wilcom Technologies has been funded by vested interests and Girish & Neha Kumar themselves, as has been noted by none other than Minister Milind Deora himself.
  3. The worst part – the products that Wilcom Technologies is producing and making such tall claims about; have not even been tested. That they would receive recognition from International and Global bodies is one thing; they don't even meet mandatory Indian compliances. Wilcom Technologies Products have NOT been tested by critical & legally-binding bodies such as the TEC (Telecommunications Engineering Centre), which happens to be the official testing organization of the Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, government of India

Its a very sorry state of affairs and we need to share this with as many fellow citizens as possible before they buy into the lies and and products that Girish & Neha Kumar are propagating.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Juhi Chawla – Are Her Kids More Valuable Than Others?

Actress and socialite Juhi Chawla seems to have found a cause. Unfortunately, not only is that cause baseless, it is motivated by personal interests. 

The former beauty queen claims that the radiation levels in her tony neighborhood of Malabar Hill in South Mumbai, and her building in particular which is in close proximity to a government guest house; is subjected to unacceptable and dangerously high levels of radiation from cell phone towers.

The very basis of the claim is fraudulent. 

First and foremost, cell phone towers emit RF waves, which, unlike Microwaves, are harmless, and incapable of causing any damage to humans. 

Second, the investigation into this claim of Juhi Chawla's has been investigated by none other than fraudulent & tainted Professor Girish Kumar, whose own motives have been questioned by everyone in government & civil society. 

Girish Kumar & his company Wilcom Technologies, along with its principal investor Salora International, a company very closely associated with Juhi Chawla's husband Jay Mehta; are all in this bid for profiting from peoples' radiation fears by selling their radiation shielding equipment. So it becomes quite evident that they keep looking for opportunities to sensationalize and exaggerate associations with radiation, to induce a strategically thought up panic among common people. The entire scheme reeks of fraud and deceit.

But the question still remains, why has Juhi Chawla taken legal action and petitioned against the installation of cell phone towers? Is it because Salora international makes allegedly low-radiation cell phones? Does Juhi Chawla really feel that the lives of her children are more valuable than any of the thousands of others also living happily in her neighborhood?

These celebrities assume a self-importance that is quite off putting. When one has reached a certain stature in life, rather than using that position of advantage to profit more from it; they should focus on doing genuine good. 

As for the petition against cell phone towers; everyone has realized what a corrupt profiteering scheme it is. Because certainly, if she were genuinely concerned about her children's safety and health, and there was any real threat to them; she can easily move to another 'safer' area. The fact that she hasn't, just proves that her entire petition is wrongly motivated.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Difference Between Radiation & Electromagnetic waves

The Sun. A life giving source. A source of energy & nourishment not just to us humans on this planet, but every living creature. But vital as the Sun and its energy may be, too much exposure to it, can cause problems. Serious health problems even. The point is simple. Anything & everything in moderation is fine. Too much of anything, even of a good thing, can be harmful. 

Why all this discussion about energy being good or bad? Because in our modern everyday lives, we face tremendous exposure from different kinds & degrees of energies. All our modern day amenities, electronic gadgets; emit energy.

Unfortunately, due to lack of awareness, some of this energy has got an unnecessarily bad reputation. Take the radiation from Cell Phone Towers for example. Without fully knowing the actual facts, the perception that has been created is one of fear, dread, and ill health. And that's not really true. To understand the truth, we must first understand the difference between Radiation & Electromagnetic Waves.

Any device or energy source emits Electromagnetic Waves. There is an entire range of these waves that include:

Radio Waves
Visible Light
X Rays

What we tend not to factor in, is the wavelength. It is the difference in the wavelengths that make the crucial difference, significantly pointing to the radiation quotient, or in other words, capacity of each type of wave, to have any kind of impact. Most importantly, all electromagnetic are considered radiation. However, the inverse is not true. Not all radiation, are electromagnetic in nature. While Radiation is the broad nomenclature for self-propagating particles of energy; Electromagnetic waves on the are those that are formed by radiation energy being absorbed by charged particles. This makes EM(electromagnetic) waves the most vital way energy is transported in the modern world.

Thanks to the work & discoveries of physicists like Thomas Young, Michael Faraday and Henri Becquerel; we now know the connection between electricity and magnetism. We have been able to classify Light, microwaves, x-rays, and TV and radio transmissions into forms of 'electromagnetic wave'. It all boils down to one simple truth. The power of knowledge. The knowledge to be able to decipher what radiation is good, and what isn't. And for the most part, when used correctly, radiation is making our lives better, and giving us a secure, brighter future. From medical treatments to everyday conveniences, its a boon!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Radiations and Cancer

Radiation, what was simply the energy emitted from a source, has become a word that is associated with the dreaded modern disease – Cancer. But that is an unfair generalization and one must understand what radiation is, before we brand it as a carcinogenic.
Radiation is a very broad term used for energy transported through radio waves. But it is further qualified into different types of radiation according to its place on the electromagnetic spectrum. The range begins with the highest energy levels to the lowest:
Gamma rays
Ultraviolet (UV) rays
Visible light
Infrared rays
Radiofrequency (radio) waves
Extremely low-frequency (ELF) radiation

These radiations can be broadly classified into two categories depending on their wavelength and the amount of energy they transfer. These are the properties that determine whether they can travel through objects, whether they generate heat and whether they have effect on living tissue.
Non ionizing radiation has lower levels of energy that charges molecules and atoms causing then to vibrate faster. It is the ionizing radiation that is so strong that it can bring about chemical changes by breaking chemical bonds and damage living tissue.
In the above table, anything above visible light is ionizing radiation and everything below it is non-ionizing radiation.
So it is Gamma Rays, X-Rays and UV rays that produce such strong radiation which can either kill cells in the body or can mutate the DNA blueprint. This mutation means uncontrolled increase in cell division, which then leads to cancer. But fortunately these rays are only found at nuclear sites etc, which humans are not exposed to.
The other types of Rays are what we experience in everyday life from our power lines, TVs and cellular phones and are proven to be safe for humans.
Knowledge is our only weapon against cancer. Know whats harmful and whats not, and you can be safe against cancer.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Cell Towers – Do they cause Cancer?

There has been a lot of hue and cry lately, trying to link cellphone tower radiation to cancer. But its unfair to place blame without reasonable investigation into facts and figures of the case. There have been studies on cellular phone towers causing cancer risk and all their results have been inconclusive and negative.

In a series of tests carried out in Britain, more than a 1,000 families were called to participate. These families comprised of children with and without cancer. The extensive health checkups revealed no link between exposure to the towers during the mother's pregnancy to the child's health. That doesn’t really seem surprising considering the facts. Even though its an area of active research, the current facts reveal, that cellphone towers do not cause cancer.

Cellphone towers emit Radio Frequency waves. These RF waves have a relatively low energy level. These low levels are decided on the basis of comparison with the proven types of radiation that are carcinogenic. These include x-rays, and UV (ultraviolet) light.

Its all about understanding the science behind cancer. Certain types of radiations cause cancer because they break the chemical bonds in our DNA and lead to cancer. The Radio frequency waves emitted by cell-phone towers are not strong enough to break the DNA chemical bonds and are therefore unlikely to cause cancer.

Another reason that radio-waves emitting from cellphone towers cannot cause cancer is the fact that the physical length of the waves is long. Therefore, they do not concentrate enough to affect individual cells in the body.

The biggest reason why cellphone towers cannot cause cancer is the fact that these towers are placed at great heights. By the time that the radio signals reach ground level where humans are present, their energy levels are mild and negligible. Its just as safe as the electromagnetic signals you experience from your computer or TV!

So this unlikely carcinogenic should cause you no fear. Technology is made for you, not to harm you.